Types of 奖学金


A scholarship is a form of gift assistance awarded based on merit. Most scholarships are renewable for four years. 它通常指的是基于成绩的奖励,以表彰学术成就和前景或其他特殊属性. k8彩乐园app官网下载提供各种各样的奖学金,以表彰新一年的成就, transfer and international students. 这个网页上显示的奖学金数额是针对第一年和转学生的, and are capped at the students first year tuition rate. k8彩乐园app官网下载奖学金只能用于支付学费,不能用于支付食宿费用或其他费用.

奖学金 for 本科s

招生办公室在全面审查过程后,包括考虑学生的累积GPA,颁发最初的择优奖学金, rigor of curriculum and test scores (if submitted). A student's strength in high school/college courses, leadership and service, and participation in extracurricular activities is also taken into consideration. 学生必须完成整个入学申请过程才有资格获得奖学金. 最初的优秀奖学金没有单独的申请程序.

For Students Enrolling Fall 2024
Students are eligible for a combination of scholarship and awards up to $21,000 (New York State School of Art and Design; Biomaterials, 陶瓷, 玻璃 & Materials Science Engineering) and up to $33,000 for all other majors.

Art Portfolio Scholarship
申请艺术与设计学院的学生将根据作品集中提交的作品自动考虑获得该奖学金. 一年级学生必须在2月1日之前完成入学程序并提交作品集,转学生必须在3月1日之前提交.

Presidential Scholarship

Dean’s Scholarship
Recognizes students who have shown a strong academic background.

Jonathan Allen Scholarship
以…命名 第二任总统 该奖项旨在表彰杰出的领导才能和强大的学术潜力.

King Alfred Scholarship
In honor of Alfred, King of the Saxons and champion of education for all, this award recognizes emerging scholars who have the potential for greatness.

这个奖项, recognizing the year of the founding of the university, 是给那些表现出坚韧不拔、锲而不舍的学生的,而这正是k8彩乐园app官网下载成立以来的特色.

Phi Theta Kappa

Unless otherwise noted, 大多数本科奖学金每年更新一次,只要学生全日制注册(12学分)并保持令人满意的学术进步.

  • Alfred University Scholar - $18,000 - $30,000 per year
    • 资格:必须在大三,并在提名截止日期之前由学校直接提名. Domestic and International Students can receive this award.
  • 陶瓷 Association of New York (CANY) Award - $2,500 per year
    • 资格:就读于纽约州的一所高中,并在三年级时由学校直接提名.
  • 访问 Award - $1,000 per year
    • 资格:在你打算入学的那一年的3月1日之前对k8彩乐园app官网下载进行正式访问. A complete list of official visits can be found here: 访问授予
  • 荣誉 Award - $1,000 per year
    • 资格: 应用 to the 荣誉 Program by March 1st and be accepted into the 荣誉 Program. 请注意, 该奖项仅适用于在入学过程中申请荣誉课程的学生-在入学后申请荣誉课程的k8彩乐园app官网下载在读学生将不符合资格.
  • Closer to 首页 Award - $2,000 per year
    • 资格: 应用 by March 1 & live in the following NY & PA counties: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Schuyler, & Steuben and Bradford, McKean, Potter, Tioga, & 沃伦.
  • Legacy Award - $2,000 per year
    • 资格:你是否有兄弟姐妹、父母和/或祖父母毕业于k8彩乐园app官网下载? If so, you will receive a $2,000 per year scholarship. You will only receive one scholarship, regardless of how many family members have graduated from Alfred University. Step-parents/grandparents also qualify.
  • 军事奖 
    • 你知道军队成员和参加后备军官训练队的人有权享受独家福利吗, including eligibility for state and federal aid? In addition to applying for federal aid via the FAFSA, k8彩乐园app官网下载强烈建议你考虑申请额外的经济援助.
  • Sibling Grant - Financial aid will take 12.5% off each respective sibling's tuition
    • 资格:家庭有两个或两个以上的孩子就读k8彩乐园app官网下载同时招收全日制基础. 当有一个剩余的兄弟姐妹在大学注册时,补助金将恢复到遗产奖.

k8彩乐园app官网下载还为可能在工程学术领域竞争的一年级学生提供竞争奖学金, 数学, and English composition. The scholarships are $1,000 to $2,500 per year. 奖 are renewable provided the student maintains a 3.累计平均成绩0分,连续全日制入学,良好公民身份.

比赛在k8彩乐园app官网下载的校园举行,在秋季和冬季的高三. 莱利亚E. Tupper Writing Competition is determined by an essay submission.

William Varick Nevins III Mathematics Competition

莱利亚E. Tupper Writing Competition

Inamori School of Engineering

全日制学生,由学费交换公司的成员机构认证为有资格参加. 课程有资格获得标准全日制学费,最多可达八个学期的大学本科学位课程之一.

奖学金 are awarded on a competitive basis by a University committee. Candidates are evaluated based on high school/college academic performance, standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, 和国籍.

学生必须在2月1日的首选申请截止日期之前申请入学. Be certified as eligible to participate by a 学费 Exchange Inc. 并在2月15日前提交完整的入学申请以及所有证明文件和证书.

The Office of 金融援助 is excited to be working with ScholarshipUniverse - a tool that makes funding and applying for external scholarships easier.

What is ScholarshipUniverse?
It is a matching system that maximizes scholarship opportunities for students. 它允许学生创建学术档案,使他们能够与各种外部奖学金机会联系起来. 定期更新您的个人资料将确保您看到您符合资格的所有外部奖学金.

How does ScholarshipUniverse Work?

  • 你回答问题,并与你符合条件的奖学金机会相匹配
  • 您可以通过个性化的门户网站轻松地在线申请多个奖学金机会
  • You can track your application status via the portal
  • You are alerted whenever you are matched to a new scholarship opportunity
  • You will receive automatic reminders about outstanding tasks and next steps

How do I use ScholarshipUniverse?

  • Current and newly deposited students will access ScholarshipUniverse and enter your Alfred credentials
  • 有详细的ScholarshipUniverse导航说明和常见问题解答内建,你可能会发现帮助,因为你探索的工具

*请注意: ScholarshipUniverse is only compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers.

Private 奖学金 and Outside Resources Policy